12 Ways To Manage Your Toxic Partner

Before even telling a single word, I first want you to check the list below to find out if your partner has most of these traits in his (all these things are applicable to females also) personality or not. Anything you can say or do is not good enough Comment on smallest flaws Drag up your past to hurt you intentionally Acts like he never makes any mistake Leaves you feeling guilty or ashamed of who you are Likes to see you suffer Always about him, and what he thinks, wants and feels Thinks negative, acts superior, speaks badly about others Take up too much of your time to serve his needs Constantly have drama going on Your words are used against you Makes disturbing statement, then claims you misunderstood what he said Try to isolate you from your family and friends Tendencies to blame his lack of success or failures of others Irresponsible to his family, unreliable in need, arrogant in attitude, envious to almost everyone he gets close L...