3 Easy Steps To Achieve Your Goal

We all heard it many times in our childhood, and that is “get…set….go”. Here I am going to explain you, what to get when to set, and how to go. Phase 1: Get ready to know yourself Know your purpose: The first step in motivating yourself is to try to find out the purpose of your existence i.e. something like who you are and what do you want. Keep asking yourself continuously until you feel you are getting some clarity. Find your identity: Talk to yourself, find out the ingredients you are made of. List down your strengths and weaknesses. Analyze what kind of seed you are. Choose your area: Next step is to choose the area you would like to be in. Think, search and gather all the professional areas where a person like you will be greatly appreciated. It is the soil, appropriate for the particular kind of seed like you. Get paired with your destiny: Final step is to shortlist top five among the list you have made. Write down the pros and cons, beside each of them, and select...