3 Easy Steps To Achieve Your Goal

We all heard it many times in our childhood, and that is “get…set….go”. Here I am going to explain you, what to get when to set, and how to go.
Phase 1: Get ready to know yourself
Know your purpose: The first step in motivating yourself is to try to find out the purpose of your existence i.e. something like who you are and what do you want. Keep asking yourself continuously until you feel you are getting some clarity.
Find your identity: Talk to yourself, find out the ingredients you are made of. List down your strengths and weaknesses. Analyze what kind of seed you are.
Choose your area: Next step is to choose the area you would like to be in. Think, search and gather all the professional areas where a person like you will be greatly appreciated. It is the soil, appropriate for the particular kind of seed like you.
Get paired with your destiny: Final step is to shortlist top five among the list you have made. Write down the pros and cons, beside each of them, and select the one, you are comfortable (mostly) with.
Phase 2: Set your mind to prepare
Keep your baggage light: Once you can see the right direction and the goal you want to achieve long with the accomplishment you will enjoy reaching your destination, you are ready to start the journey of your life. It’s the time for packing things you will need on this journey. For any journey, you basically need a backpack with essential kits for your necessity, emergency kits for rough times, and lots of empty spaces for the things to collect on the way. The same way, prepare your mind like a backpack you will carry to your destination. The essential things in the mind backpack are relevant knowledge that will serve your necessity, positive mindset that will act like first-aid at the tough time and the openness of your mind which will help you to collect life experiences, accomplishment. The result you will get is enormous. You will become a richer, healthier, and wealthier you.
Get your mind clutter free: It is easier than you think it to be. Study your thoughts. What we think, we become. So, think particularly about what you want to be. Any "not so beneficial " thought need to wash off from your mind.
Phase 3: Keep moving forward
Get focused on your goal: Every morning needs to be started with the vision "who you are" and "what you want".This will help to reset your mind towards the goal and continue to motivate yourself to walk further to reach it with enthusiasm.
Fix your mind in a positive mode: We can only destroy negative energy with the help of positivity. Just like you can stop the fire by pouring water. A positive mind holds hope( lamp to see in the dark), resilience( standing straight again after falling down), thoughtful mind( reevaluation of the whole process in case of failure); thus helping us to keep moving forward cutting all the waves of difficulties.
Be committed: Once you are sure about your competency level and able to see the path (that will reach you to your goal) with clarity, the only thing you need after that is commitment. You need to be ‘committed to yourself’. Commitment directly correlates with actively working on your dream holding a pledge in your mind "I will never stop working until I reach my goal". Have faith in yourself, if you continue walking, you will definitely reach it.


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