9 Ways to Save Yourself from A Bad Relationship

  Everything good or bad which happens in our life is somewhat a consequence of relationships. A relation is never meant to be bad. At least we all try to make it a good experience for whatever reason. Any relationship has a feel good factor in the beginning but many times it does not end the way we envisage. You may know yourself (that is also quite difficult), but how do you know another person suitability regarding start or continuation of a relationship. If you keep on falling in disastrous or bad relationships and want to prevent further setbacks, then you must continue to read. Click here if you already are in a bad relationship.

If you recently met someone rocking, mind blowing, and everything seems to be picture perfect; then hold on for a minute and check the list below before giving any such commitments. Click here to know, you are truly in love with someone.
Appropriate level of trust
Trust is a golden pillar for a relation. And it is definitely a necessary element for any successful relationship. No living being is able to carry a relation on without trust. Here the question is, how much trust is needed actually to make a relationship work. Well, do you trust yourself? Can you trust yourself that you can follow a good diet continuously for several weeks? An hour workout schedule for next 6 months? Or not to find any invalid excuses while performing your duties and responsibilities at home, office or any other places? Obviously not. Because all those promises depend on the situation you are going through, the mindset you currently possess and many of other known and unknown factors you might not be aware of. While you can’t trust yourself 100%  for your own self, how can you expect others to maintain their responsibilities or accountability for yourself? So, you must be reasonable to find the appropriate level of trust in others. It takes the time to find how much worthy a person is to trust fully and what kind of information is right for you to share. You basically can’t trust everyone blindly before knowing them appropriately. 
Intimacy level
Intimacy level is something you should always keep in your mind while revealing yourself to someone. You may know lots of people in your life. Your family members, relatives, friends, acquaintances and much more. Do you feel similar intimate to all of them? Obviously not, right? Intimacy revolves around the relation we want to pursue with a particular person. It comes next to building some definite relation with a person. Here the key to success is moving step by step taking the whole situation into account. You can follow some parameters for that: reveal yourself slowly, notice appropriate boundaries and weigh consequences before acting on any kind of emotional or sexual impulses. Talking at an intimate level at first meeting is a strict “NO” for your own safety reason.
Maintaining personal values
Our personal value system is the ingredient we are made up of. We all have some morals and ethics based on our liking and disliking, and those influence our lifestyle. If you dislike something, you will hate to see it in your partner. If your value system gets a right match with someone, you may start liking that person. So it is definitely a matter of concern if you find yourself going against personal values or rights to please another person. There is nothing wrong in saying ‘NO’ to food, gift, touch, sex if you don’t want.
Proper generosity
Showing generosity means being happy to give time, money, food, or kindness to people in need. It is obviously a good quality. We show generosity when we serve someone in necessity not thinking much about our own self. However, it makes our life quite troublesome, being generous on a daily basis for some particular person. You can better call it ‘demand’, as you may soon find your generosity is then taken for granted by that particular someone. So you need to maintain the threshold between generosity and demand. Control is in your hand when you are generous, control is in the hand of the other person in the case of demand. Being sexual for your partner, not yourself; allowing someone to take as much as they can from you; physical or emotional abuse; are some of the examples of your over generosity. Stand up for yourself.
Sharing appropriately
It is quite a tricky situation while sharing information with someone. Many of us feel difficulty deciding whom to share and how much to share. It is surely important to share our feelings and happenings sometimes to some extent. It makes us feel free from some massive unwanted emotional burden. Though it is completely up to you whom you feel comfortable to share with, before sharing any of your personal information you should always keep it in mind, how much trustworthy that person is to keep it secret. As telling all to someone about yourself, your feelings or your life can create another trouble in your life. Here the key to sharing is, revealing a little of yourself and checking to see how other person responds to your sharing and make your decision accordingly how much you need to share.
Respect for yourself and your partner
There is no meaningful relation on Earth without respect. It is a primary condition for a loving relationship. You can’t love someone you don’t respect; On the other hand, you can’t disrespect if you truly love someone. So maintaining respect for yourself and for your partner is crucial to hold a good relation. There is a saying, you get what you give. Talking with gentleness, humor, love, and respect, is the way you show your respect for others. On the other hand, maintaining proper expectation is to let other know their boundaries while communicating with you. Never tolerate others to define you, direct your life or describe your reality.
Clear communication
Communication means sending and receiving information. Clear communication means sending and receiving information without distortion. It happens when the other person clearly understands what we mean to say. It is definitely not as easy as it sounds. To do this your focus needs to be fixed on what you exactly mean to say and how that particular person will get it accurately, and it takes a great effort in all together. The key concept behind it is, recognizing that your friends, relatives or partner are not mind reader. It is a strictly no “Believing or expecting other should anticipate your needs or feel your emotions automatically”.
Checking compatibility
After getting all those previous steps done, it is time to combine all the facts and figures meaningfully to make a reasonable sentence and analyze the collected data accordingly. Putting a new acquaintanceship on hold for some time, you now need to check the compatibility. Check all the factors below to find the potentiality of your new relationship and if you both are able to clear all parameters.
·         Accountability: admit mistakes when wrong, accept responsibility for behavior, attitudes, and values.
·         Trust: accepting each other’s words, giving the benefit of doubts.
·         Cooperation: accepting change, making decisions together, a win-win resolution to the conflict.
·         Support: support each other’s choices, being understanding, offering encouragement, listening non-judgmentally, valuing opinions.
·         Honesty: communicate openly and truthfully.
·         Safety: refusing to intimidate or manipulate, respecting physical space, expressing self non-violently.
·         Partnership: affection, appreciation, admiration, gratitude, pleasure, and excitement.

Agreement with your decision
You have now already got the required checklist, parameters, to do list and everything you need to take a realistic decision for yourself. So take your time, be fair to yourself. What you need now is judging the whole situation mindfully using all your instincts to process the gathered information to reach a practical conclusion if that person is good for you or not. Your decision is yours so you have to be fully responsible and accountable for all your actions and their consequences. Remember to trust your own decision, think apart from other’s influence or manipulation, know who you are and what you want. Define everything as you see it.

All the best in your relationships!!


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