
Showing posts from August, 2016

Is Asking for Help so Difficult for You?

Don’t be shy to say “Need Help”. It’s not as unusual to happen as you think. I’ve seen many people having trouble in asking for help. They don’t feel free to ask help when they need it badly. They can’t seem to find a way to ask someone for assistance and feel really awkward to ask. Lots of introvert people experience it on a regular basis. If you are the one of those who also feel that “asking for help” is itself a problem, then you are in the exact right place.  W hat’s Stopping You from getting help? When a person is unable to seek help in need, there might be three possible scenarios in his mind. One, when he thinks he can fix the issue by himself and he doesn’t need any additional help at all. Two, when he thinks there is no reliable person available nearby he can trust to get help and keeping the matter secret at the same time. Three, when he thinks it makes him feel weak and dependent for asking help to others. It’s good if the first one is true for you. If yo

Are You Emotionally Sensitive? Know What to Do....

Nowadays, we keep on hearing the term “emotional intelligence” (EI) and its powerful impact on our lives. We all have an idea what it is; yes, interpretation, regulation, and application of emotion intelligently. But what I want to ask you today is, are you emotionally sensitive? Ok, let me know something about you. Do you feel happy immensely in no time when you feel good and feel pain hopelessly when you meet disappointment? Do you get annoyed when people try to get you to do too many things at once? Do changes in your life shake you up? Do you love that you’re able to sense how others feel? can you exhibit both excessive tolerance and intolerance? well, if all of your answers are “yes”, then you are excessively sensitive. You must be thinking, why it is important to discuss emotional sensitivity. Well, If EI is one of the crucial factors for your success then we equally need to know more about “sensitivity” as it also has the potential to affect our lives strongly in a  negativ