Is Asking for Help so Difficult for You?

Don’t be shy to say “Need Help”. It’s not as unusual to happen as you think. I’ve seen many people having trouble in asking for help. They don’t feel free to ask help when they need it badly. They can’t seem to find a way to ask someone for assistance and feel really awkward to ask. Lots of introvert people experience it on a regular basis. If you are the one of those who also feel that “asking for help” is itself a problem, then you are in the exact right place. 

What’s Stopping You from getting help?

When a person is unable to seek help in need, there might be three possible scenarios in his mind. One, when he thinks he can fix the issue by himself and he doesn’t need any additional help at all. Two, when he thinks there is no reliable person available nearby he can trust to get help and keeping the matter secret at the same time. Three, when he thinks it makes him feel weak and dependent for asking help to others.

It’s good if the first one is true for you. If you feel confident of solving your problem on your own, nothing can be better than that. It’s good to be self-sufficient and not bother others for small things.

If the second proposition is true for you, then you surely need to go out and make new friends. Trust me, it’s never too late to start good relations with people around you. Not only for good times, they may prove themselves worthy in your bad times too.

If the third premise is true for you, then it’s probably the most foolish idea a person can ever think of. The truth is, no one can be inferior by asking help in need, rather one can show stupidity by not solving a problem on time due to the fear of “asking for help”. In this situation, you need to consider a change in your mindset.

Why you should ask for help

A matter of fact is that it takes a great toll on the mental and physical state whenever we are stuck in a problem feeling helpless, irrespective of being men or women. Not only it makes our life miserable, but also makes us feel burdened, frustrated, and hopeless. As a result, lots of pessimistic thoughts come into play in our mind, dragging us into negativity like depression, anxiety or stress, only due to the unsolved problems. We can save ourselves from all those rubbish stuff, by just asking a helping hand in time. There is no reason to feel inferior, rather it’s called a smart move.  

How to ask for help

Step 1: Find the right person
First of all, you need to find the right person to approach. Not every sympathetic individual is capable of helping you in a difficult situation. You need to think about your need and then find the person who can help you accordingly.

Step 2: Briefly explain why you are there
After initial pleasantry exchanges, briefly explain why you are reaching out to them. Tell him why you think that person can help you; how his resources, influence, knowledge or experiences would be a big solution to fix your trouble.

Step 3: Make your request specific
Always mention your request specifically, so that potential helper can fully understand exactly what you need and how he or she can serve your need meaningfully.

Step 4: Avoid phrases that sound weak
Avoid the phrases that sound meek or desperate. Follow an approach and a friendly way. Avoid any word that makes yourself very much burdened or desperate, as it looks like you have no other way to save yourselves except that only person.

Step 5: Choose wordings respectfully
Choose your words carefully, that shows respect for that person as well as yourself. Don’t use any rude words that convey he is not the only one who can help you.

Step 6: Thank helper gracefully
After getting helpful suggestion or contribution tell him how he made your life easy saying thanks in a graceful way.

Step 7: Rehearse
After setting up the above sequence of conversation and having a couple of rehearsals, when you feel confident enough, ask for help.

Go on!! An occasional cry for help will go a long way in solving your lot of issues and improve your quality of life. Life is too short to learn and do everything yourself without anyone’s help.

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