What Does Sarcasm Say About A Person

What is Sarcasm?
Sarcasm literally means the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. It's normally a form of making fun that means the opposite of what is said and made to criticize someone or something in a way that is amusing to others but annoying to the person criticized.
'Using sarcasm in a regular way' can hurt the people around, and ruin valuable relations consequently; as it obstructs effective communication. Intelligent people value good relations. So there must not be any relevant correlation between having intelligence and being sarcastic. One thing is important here to remember, there is a difference between satire and sarcasm.
Why Some People Think Sarcasm a Sign of Intelligence?
As we can see, some people thinks it a matter of intelligence. If you observe you will definitely find, what leads them to think so. They see the outcomes that a person gets as a result after leaving a sarcastic comment, facial expression or gesture. The interesting factors might be:
  • Wit: As it sounds clever in a funny way
  • Creativity: The use of the imagination or original ideas to create something
  • Smartness: Overall a feeling of the smart sense of humor
  • Superiority: Witty and creatively smart response at the same time, all of a sudden.
 What Lies beneath Sarcastic Minds?
If you closely related to any sarcastic person, then you will get the chance to reveal the reasons behind sarcasm. That is, why some people are habitually sarcastic at first place? How does this attribute start to take place as a strong character trait with time? The answer is- because it helps, it helps to survive. According to the psychological explanation, it is a kind of defense mechanism, people use as a safeguard against "feeling low and inferior" mindset which gets habitual trait over the period of time. "Make others feel inferior before they do the same to you" is the motivation to be sarcastic and continue applying sarcasm in an expert way, as it serves the purpose. To make fun of others, one only need to find someone or thing that is currently holding a vulnerable position. You can hardly find someone being sarcastic against a really powerful person. Sarcasm can be used for various reasons:
Seeking attention: Sarcasm acts as a good tool when a person wants some attention, but somehow is not able to manage it properly. Finding an easy target, giving a sarcastic comment, making the victim vulnerable and amuse others, getting the focus is quite possible. It's easier than you think it is.
To make others feel inferior: It acts well when a person aspires to be superior, but somehow is not able to manage it properly. It's the easiest way to serve your purpose quickly. put others down, and feel taller. You sound apparently superior immediately to others. It's an easy way to look and feel bossy.
Showing hidden anger towards society: This is probably the root cause why some people have that negative trait at first place. we ultimately become what we experience, and we mostly learn from things that make us feel either very good or really bad. How others behave when we struggle or win, somewhat has an impact on our mind. And that further dominates our cognition to determine our reactions and responses. Many studies show that most of the sarcastic people face some really difficult times in their past and they used to have relatively bad experience at that time, from society. It can be said, 'Making fun' was that they learned from others.


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