
Showing posts from July, 2016

Are You In Love?

If you are reading this, then chances are very high that you are one of them who’s in love, or really loved someone at some point in your life. If you are lucky to have a loving partner in your life for long, feel yourself blessed, as lots of people don't get such an opportunity in their life. If you are newly in love and own a dream of having a "fairy tale love story", I have some pocket advice for you, to keep in mind just as a "caution". Having a broken heart is something no one desires, but it unexpectedly occurs in almost everyone’s life. Lots of my clients come to me with a broken heart. I observed, not only heart, they are broken in every aspect of life at the same time. LOVE has taken everything, leaving them so alone. So I thought of sharing some facts with you just to put in your memory bank. Click here to know, are you sensitive? In the beginning of a relationship when we know a little about our partner, being hopeful, we sometimes tend to v

5 steps to Manage Your Time Efficiently....

probably no one is there on earth, who’ve never heard the idiom, 'a matter of time'. We all know nothing lasts forever, everything comes with an expiry date. What’s new. You’re absolutely right. I’m not here to discuss idioms. I have something different to say about time. when I was a child, I used to think what’s the hurry, I’ve more than enough time even to move in slow motion, and nothing is going to be disturbed by my foolish (if anyone thinks so) actions anyway. It is my life, and it’s all my time; I can enjoy my life, and time and all my belonging in my own way. I thought so because I was a child. Being grown up, I slowly realised on my journey of life, it's not only "a matter of time", it’s only matter of time. The only thing judging my life, my happiness, my success, my satisfaction is 'the time'. Time tells us if we did anything meaningful or nothing. Time. It means a lot. It means a lot more in its real meaning than you realise. After

Diversity Is Our Strength, Know How....

we are different. Yes, it is, and we all have to accept this fact clearly. We all were different even from the very first beginning. Nothing was same anytime. Everything is different everywhere in nature and our surroundings. we are different because we are genetically wired in that way. And it is intentionally done for some bigger reason and greater necessity; for more species variation, for better adaptability, and for surviving disasters. Basically, we are different with some unique similarities to be more durable. We are different so that we can test ourselves against adversity. Just like we protect our systems from being damaged, providing a high-level password; we are made by genome sequence using genetic codes in millions of variation to protect our survival instinct. Whenever we get stuck or failed, incapable genes get muted automatically; and strong adjustable genes keep moving forward with time to be fittest. Chromosomes of our every cell follow that same routine.

To The Next Or To The End?

We r running through the never-ending process of progress, achieving ‘science fiction milestones’ one by one, with a galaxy speed. It is beautiful. Everything has started to get smarter at our home now, and we relish it. We have become powerfully creative with our brain. Our life is getting more and more personalised, day by day. and slowly we are getting used to being in that. It has given us an incredible opportunity to think, to get, to live in a personalised way, every day. Independent thinking, a  free mindset is great to work with, when it comes to creativity and advancement. But it slowly kills our surviving capacity when we add them into a personalised lifestyle. As a result, it makes us feel considerably uneasy going beyond our comfort zone; damaging strongest genes of human race, adaptability; making us fragile, delicate, and vulnerable. Because a self-centred mind makes us focus on 'only me' overlooking the phrase 'ourselves'. We develop intoleran

We Can Afford to be Happy Alone....

Almost two decades has gone, we got used to about internet as comfortable as operating television. WWW has been a regular part of our life. and it has been quite convenient with the blessing of upgraded mobile apps. it’s not only a computer stuff anymore. we started to talk about "internet of things". Simply AMAZING. Last week, I had three days leave, due to some personal reason. I had hardly four hours of office work; ordered online meals, whenever was not in the mood of making food; watched my favourite movies on Netflix; had lots of video calls and chats with my friends; and a little bit of sleeping. what else a person wants. an ideal break!! I am really feeling privileged, to get such a facility my forefathers missed. E-Commerce is everywhere now!! Even though I am very much social, I also can live alone, happily. Somehow, it gives me freedom to live as I want. I have more choice to buy, eat and live in my own way. And moreover, I meet people when I really want

How Social We Are....

I still effortlessly remember the time, when children used to play in the park at evening, and arrive home drenched in sweat after spending quality time with friends. Boys and girls used to be busy visiting their friends, sharing their inner feelings and happenings in their lives. Men and women used to prefer visiting their family and friends for recreation. I am talking of the time, not more than a decade ago when we used to be excited thinking about upcoming social events because it used to provide us an incredible opportunity to meet a lot of new people. While thinking about the word “social events”, I happen to remember social networking sites. If you ask me, it’s near impossible to live life without visiting social networking sites today. How many of us, you can say don’t check Facebook or WhatsApp after waking up at morning? We feel it’s worth it, so we do it. Honestly, I also love doing it. The best part is that we can make thousands of friends and enrich our social