Are You In Love?

If you are reading this, then chances are very high that you are one of them who’s in love, or really loved someone at some point in your life. If you are lucky to have a loving partner in your life for long, feel yourself blessed, as lots of people don't get such an opportunity in their life. If you are newly in love and own a dream of having a "fairy tale love story", I have some pocket advice for you, to keep in mind just as a "caution".
Having a broken heart is something no one desires, but it unexpectedly occurs in almost everyone’s life. Lots of my clients come to me with a broken heart. I observed, not only heart, they are broken in every aspect of life at the same time. LOVE has taken everything, leaving them so alone. So I thought of sharing some facts with you just to put in your memory bank. Click here to know, are you sensitive?
In the beginning of a relationship when we know a little about our partner, being hopeful, we sometimes tend to value the other person more than our own needs and feelings. We usually concentrate our primary focus and attention on him or her, like how that person is, what he or she likes, how can we make him/her feel good about ourselves and much more. It’s a very normal thing which can happen to almost every one of us. We get overwhelmingly engaged thinking deeply about that special person aiming that new relationship to the next level.
Now, duration of this mesmerizing period varies from person to person and the situation we are in. It might be few weeks, months or days, depending on our characteristics, nature, life events we are going through, and how that loved one is adding notable impression in our mind, that we had never experienced ever before. It’s the sweetest flavour we all experience at least once in our lifetime. Some people experience it even more than only once. We all wish it stays this way forever, but it never does. I’m telling you why.
We human are very much selective in focusing attention on stimulus. Basically, we do it to satisfy our curious mind to perceive various facts, knowledge or information to get stored and relate them to the individual thought, experience,  and feelings. Once it is achieved, we usually shift our aim to the next. So, the same happens in the case of a relationship. We return to the original “standby” mode after the “desire to know someone” part is over, by default. We get back into our lost consciousness and balance after “initial fascination” and start reasoning everything in an original manner we normally do. Because of this biological reason, that high level of physical passion and the strong force of attraction eventually slowly comes to the end one day. As a result, love magnet feels "not so powerful" as before. This happens with all love stories.
Here, one thing I should tell you and that is Just because passion quotient fails to survive longer we can’t say there is nothing like true love. Love happens, and love must be there gracefully forever until the life ends. What I described above just qualify a pre-love state, Love comes to play after "lust" ends. If you ever played "clash of Clans", you must know how your army worked under magical spells even beyond their true capacity. The same way, we are able to see if there are any special feelings left or not, once we manage to get out of the passion spell. If it's true love or infatuation? Obsession dies, craziness dies, but love don't. Even if there is no such strong passion as before, love still survive to be alive. A plant of roses gives you fragrance season after season, a vase of cut flowers can give you that just for few days. That is the difference between love and lust.
Now the question is how you will get to know if it is love or infatuation that you are going through. In my opinion, the best possible way to clear your mind is "time test". Give both you and your partner some extra time before any such commitment. love is happily walking together, not walking alone. you and you partner both need to be happy being together. This is the primary condition of being happy in love. Time will tell you whether both of you are still happy, being in love or not? It's not a wise idea to carry on a relationship with confusion, as it will eventually break you down one day. Click here if you are already in a toxic relation.
If you can see happy, satisfying and bright future together with your potential partner after spending a fair amount of time, you are definitely one of the happiest people on earth. Stay blessed, enjoy your life fullest.
If you are currently happy being in love and enjoying every moment of passion, I wish your dreams come true. Wait a minute, don't forget the " time test". Don’t rush to the conclusion too quickly. Know and discover the true person in your loved one. Click to save yourself from a bad relation.
If you are carrying your life with pieces of broken heart, I have very little to advise you on this phase; as you already know this all better than me. Sorry for your loss. The only thing I can say you, no one can heal it but time. Like a viral attack, you must need to wait and wait for the time when it will be healed by itself. Don’t stop living, keep moving forward. Remember, everything comes to an end one day. Take good care of yourself. Embrace a new life, good diet, workouts, professional course, make new friends, do fun activities. All the good things are waiting for you. Trust me, you deserve more.


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