How Social We Are....

I still effortlessly remember the time, when children used to play in the park at evening, and arrive home drenched in sweat after spending quality time with friends. Boys and girls used to be busy visiting their friends, sharing their inner feelings and happenings in their lives. Men and women used to prefer visiting their family and friends for recreation.
I am talking of the time, not more than a decade ago when we used to be excited thinking about upcoming social events because it used to provide us an incredible opportunity to meet a lot of new people.
While thinking about the word “social events”, I happen to remember social networking sites. If you ask me, it’s near impossible to live life without visiting social networking sites today. How many of us, you can say don’t check Facebook or WhatsApp after waking up at morning? We feel it’s worth it, so we do it.
Honestly, I also love doing it. The best part is that we can make thousands of friends and enrich our social circle by sitting at any place from anywhere, while drinking coffee, being lazy on the bed, or even from the washroom. It really does not matter where we are.
It’s quite awesome to check updates of our loved ones. We love to share our moments and feelings with our friends and followers. We like to track anonymous people we admire.
Now, the term “anonymous” is really interesting here. We all have some significant quantity of “anonymous’ on our Facebook friend list. We share our post with them, they like, they comment, they make us feel immensely happy in a moment without costing us a single penny. It spreads a celeb essence in our life, uhh!!!  what a feeling. with ‘not so significant living’ quotient, we can still feel special.
We admire these anonymous contacts. We like them, we love to spend hours in chatting with them. We share our life and innermost feelings with them. In fact, the anonymous contacts on our social media sites don’t appear anonymous anymore to us.
It gives us an opportunity to be social from “at any place and time on earth”. We can be social in the classroom, we can be social while doing office work, we can be social while being with our spouse, or even while dating. Not only that, we can be social without playing with friends, without meeting people anywhere, without spending money on any particular one. God bless our “new Era”.
What do you think? Do you agree with what I have explained above? Can we be considered real social if we have hundreds of virtual friends and two real friends? Please leave your comments.
I still effortlessly remember the time, when children used to play in the park at evening, and arrive home drenched in sweat after spending quality time with friends. Boys and girls used to be busy visiting their friends, sharing their inner feelings and happenings in their lives. Men and women used to prefer visiting their family and friends for recreation.
I am talking of the time, not more than a decade ago when we used to be excited thinking about upcoming social events because it used to provide us an incredible opportunity to meet a lot of new people.
While thinking about the word “social events”, I happen to remember social networking sites. If you ask me, it’s near impossible to live life without visiting social networking sites today. How many of us, you can say don’t check Facebook or WhatsApp after waking up at morning? We feel it’s worth it, so we do it.
Honestly, I also love doing it. The best part is that we can make thousands of friends and enrich our social circle by sitting at any place from anywhere, while drinking coffee, being lazy on the bed, or even from the washroom. It really does not matter where we are.
It’s quite awesome to check updates of our loved ones. We love to share our moments and feelings with our friends and followers. We like to track anonymous people we admire.
Now, the term “anonymous” is really interesting here. We all have some significant quantity of “anonymous’ on our Facebook friend list. We share our post with them, they like, they comment, they make us feel immensely happy in a moment without costing us a single penny. It spreads a celeb essence in our life, uhh!!!  what a feeling. with ‘not so significant living’ quotient, we can still feel special.
We admire these anonymous contacts. We like them, we love to spend hours in chatting with them. We share our life and innermost feelings with them. In fact, the anonymous contacts on our social media sites don’t appear anonymous anymore to us.
It gives us an opportunity to be social from “at any place and time on earth”. We can be social in the classroom, we can be social while doing office work, we can be social while being with our spouse, or even while dating. Not only that, we can be social without playing with friends, without meeting people anywhere, without spending money on any particular one. God bless our “new Era”.
What do you think? Do you agree with what I have explained above? Can we be considered real social if we have hundreds of virtual friends and two real friends? Please leave your comments.


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