We Can Afford to be Happy Alone....

Almost two decades has gone, we got used to about internet as comfortable as operating television. WWW has been a regular part of our life. and it has been quite convenient with the blessing of upgraded mobile apps. it’s not only a computer stuff anymore. we started to talk about "internet of things". Simply AMAZING.
Last week, I had three days leave, due to some personal reason. I had hardly four hours of office work; ordered online meals, whenever was not in the mood of making food; watched my favourite movies on Netflix; had lots of video calls and chats with my friends; and a little bit of sleeping. what else a person wants. an ideal break!!
I am really feeling privileged, to get such a facility my forefathers missed. E-Commerce is everywhere now!! Even though I am very much social, I also can live alone, happily. Somehow, it gives me freedom to live as I want. I have more choice to buy, eat and live in my own way. And moreover, I meet people when I really want them with me, not to survive; it is brilliant!!
What do you think about it? You can also share your views with me how you feel it in your life.


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