
Showing posts from 2016

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

You might have heard the word Emotional Intelligence (EI) many times and may know the meaning of it. Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. Four dimensions of EI are self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and relationship management. It is mainly used to define interpretation, regulation and application of emotion intelligently. Lately, EI is recognized as one of the key components of success, personally as well as professionally. EI is important because 1. We use this ability to receive and express emotion in communication; 2. Emotions help us pay attention to what matter most. It is a shortcut for prioritization; 3. We understand others by interpreting emotions to find the meaning and thinking pattern behind them. An Emotionally Intelligent person must possess the following qualities below: 1.   Clear About Life’s Purpose and Values It is the first step toward success, finding what yo

9 Ways to Save Yourself from A Bad Relationship

    Everything good or bad which happens in our life is somewhat a consequence of relationships. A relation is never meant to be bad. At least we all try to make it a good experience for whatever reason. Any relationship has a feel good factor in the beginning but many times it does not end the way we envisage. You may know yourself (that is also quite difficult), but how do you know another person suitability regarding start or continuation of a relationship. If you keep on falling in disastrous or bad relationships and want to prevent further setbacks, then you must continue to read.  Click here if you already are in a bad relationship. If you recently met someone rocking, mind blowing, and everything seems to be picture perfect; then hold on for a minute and check the list below before giving any such commitments.  Click here to know, you are truly in love with someone. Appropriate level of trust Trust is a golden pillar for a relation. And it is definitely a necessary

12 Ways To Manage Your Toxic Partner

  Before even telling a single word, I first want you to check the list below to find out if your partner has most of these traits in his (all these things are applicable to females also) personality or not. Anything you can say or do is not good enough Comment on smallest flaws Drag up your past to hurt you intentionally Acts like he never makes any mistake Leaves you feeling guilty or ashamed of who you are Likes to see you suffer Always about him, and what he thinks, wants and feels Thinks negative, acts superior, speaks badly about others Take up too much of your time to serve his needs Constantly have drama going on Your words are used against you Makes disturbing statement, then claims you misunderstood what he said Try to isolate you from your family and friends Tendencies to blame his lack of success or failures of others Irresponsible to his family, unreliable in need, arrogant in attitude, envious to almost everyone he gets close Lives in a fantasy world

Why Do We Need Counselling, By The Way?

Almost everyone seems to be quite familiar with the word “counselor” and their typical job profile these days. You are right!! People come to them with their day to day problems they are stuck in. Some of these are small issues while others are quite complicated. However, in most cases people admit, they felt life changing experience after approaching mental health professionals. A lot of clients come to me with various kind of genuine problems in their life. I figured that the root cause of many unstable conditions is not getting an assistance for relief in their distress situation. Somehow I realized, if they had got genuine guidance in the initial stages, they probably wouldn’t have to come to me with this kind of bigger issues.  It does not mean these people don’t have any well-wishers in their life. They must have parents, spouse, siblings, children, besties or many others who care about them a lot. Many of them had given them good practical advice in their hour of need.

Is Asking for Help so Difficult for You?

Don’t be shy to say “Need Help”. It’s not as unusual to happen as you think. I’ve seen many people having trouble in asking for help. They don’t feel free to ask help when they need it badly. They can’t seem to find a way to ask someone for assistance and feel really awkward to ask. Lots of introvert people experience it on a regular basis. If you are the one of those who also feel that “asking for help” is itself a problem, then you are in the exact right place.  W hat’s Stopping You from getting help? When a person is unable to seek help in need, there might be three possible scenarios in his mind. One, when he thinks he can fix the issue by himself and he doesn’t need any additional help at all. Two, when he thinks there is no reliable person available nearby he can trust to get help and keeping the matter secret at the same time. Three, when he thinks it makes him feel weak and dependent for asking help to others. It’s good if the first one is true for you. If yo

Are You Emotionally Sensitive? Know What to Do....

Nowadays, we keep on hearing the term “emotional intelligence” (EI) and its powerful impact on our lives. We all have an idea what it is; yes, interpretation, regulation, and application of emotion intelligently. But what I want to ask you today is, are you emotionally sensitive? Ok, let me know something about you. Do you feel happy immensely in no time when you feel good and feel pain hopelessly when you meet disappointment? Do you get annoyed when people try to get you to do too many things at once? Do changes in your life shake you up? Do you love that you’re able to sense how others feel? can you exhibit both excessive tolerance and intolerance? well, if all of your answers are “yes”, then you are excessively sensitive. You must be thinking, why it is important to discuss emotional sensitivity. Well, If EI is one of the crucial factors for your success then we equally need to know more about “sensitivity” as it also has the potential to affect our lives strongly in a  negativ

Are You In Love?

If you are reading this, then chances are very high that you are one of them who’s in love, or really loved someone at some point in your life. If you are lucky to have a loving partner in your life for long, feel yourself blessed, as lots of people don't get such an opportunity in their life. If you are newly in love and own a dream of having a "fairy tale love story", I have some pocket advice for you, to keep in mind just as a "caution". Having a broken heart is something no one desires, but it unexpectedly occurs in almost everyone’s life. Lots of my clients come to me with a broken heart. I observed, not only heart, they are broken in every aspect of life at the same time. LOVE has taken everything, leaving them so alone. So I thought of sharing some facts with you just to put in your memory bank. Click here to know, are you sensitive? In the beginning of a relationship when we know a little about our partner, being hopeful, we sometimes tend to v

5 steps to Manage Your Time Efficiently....

probably no one is there on earth, who’ve never heard the idiom, 'a matter of time'. We all know nothing lasts forever, everything comes with an expiry date. What’s new. You’re absolutely right. I’m not here to discuss idioms. I have something different to say about time. when I was a child, I used to think what’s the hurry, I’ve more than enough time even to move in slow motion, and nothing is going to be disturbed by my foolish (if anyone thinks so) actions anyway. It is my life, and it’s all my time; I can enjoy my life, and time and all my belonging in my own way. I thought so because I was a child. Being grown up, I slowly realised on my journey of life, it's not only "a matter of time", it’s only matter of time. The only thing judging my life, my happiness, my success, my satisfaction is 'the time'. Time tells us if we did anything meaningful or nothing. Time. It means a lot. It means a lot more in its real meaning than you realise. After

Diversity Is Our Strength, Know How....

we are different. Yes, it is, and we all have to accept this fact clearly. We all were different even from the very first beginning. Nothing was same anytime. Everything is different everywhere in nature and our surroundings. we are different because we are genetically wired in that way. And it is intentionally done for some bigger reason and greater necessity; for more species variation, for better adaptability, and for surviving disasters. Basically, we are different with some unique similarities to be more durable. We are different so that we can test ourselves against adversity. Just like we protect our systems from being damaged, providing a high-level password; we are made by genome sequence using genetic codes in millions of variation to protect our survival instinct. Whenever we get stuck or failed, incapable genes get muted automatically; and strong adjustable genes keep moving forward with time to be fittest. Chromosomes of our every cell follow that same routine.